Understand the Facts | Anxiety and Depression

What is Anxiety? Anxiety is a kind of emotion in which a person feels anxious about starting a new job, going for an exam, or shifting to a new place. It is very natural to feel anxious about these things. Sometimes anxiety helps or motivates a person to work harder and build a better career for themselves. So this is an ordinary condition of anxiety that comes and goes and doesn’t interfere in your day-to-day life. If the feeling of fear, worry, or unfocused always be with you, you might be suffering from an anxiety disorder. Anxiety may stop you from doing what you like to do, and extreme cases may worsen if it is not treated. Anxiety Disorder is the most common type of emotional disorder that can affect anyone at any age. According to American Psychiatric Association, this disorder is more common in women rather than in men. Get 15% Discount Now Use Get 15
How many types of anxiety disorders are there? Panic disorder: This is the worst type of disorder because a person experiences recurring panic attacks at unexpected times and also he lives with the fear of the next panic attack. Social anxiety disorder: Always having a fear of being judged by other people. Genetics: Family history may increase the risk of anxiety disorder. Separation anxiety disorder: Fear of being separated from your home or loved once. Phobia: Fear of something like water, height, or object. Do I suffer from anxiety? People suffering from anxiety can experience panic attacks, nightmares, feelings of fear and worry, painful thoughts, or fear of a particular place or thing. Also if someone is facing difficulty in doing their day-to-day task like crossing a road, having a bath, or talking to a person then also he/she might be suffering from anxiety. The symptoms of anxiety may vary from individual to individual. Few ordinary symptoms of anxiety are: Shortness of breath Chest pain Abdominal pain Increase heart rate Facing difficulty in concentration Difficulty in falling asleep Dry mouth Fear sweating As I said before, anxiety symptoms may vary from person to person so you might face some other symptoms too.
What are the causes of anxiety? Anxiety may be caused due to genetic or environmental factors like facing difficulty at work, problems in relationships, or family issues. Also due to brain chemistry. The researchers are not sure what causes the anxiety. Besides, researchers believe that the area of the brain that is responsible for controlling fear may cause anxiety. What can you do to stop anxiety? Once you discover that you are suffering from anxiety then you can ask your doctor about the treatment. Some people don’t need medical treatment, they just need to make some lifestyle changes to cope up with the symptoms. Treatment of anxiety is divided into two categories: psychotherapy and Medication. Psychotherapy: Consulting with a therapist or psychologist can help you to overcome your fears and cope with anxiety when it occurs.
Medication: There are several types of medications that might control some mental and physical symptoms which include antidepressants, Benzodiazepines, and beta-blockers.


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