
Showing posts from July, 2021

ADHD: Everything You Need to Know

What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition in which a person has trouble concentrating on his tasks. In this disorder, the person feels difficulty in paying attention and controlling their impulsive behaviors. He either becomes restless or may be active almost continuously. This problem usually begins in childhood and continues into adolescence. Get 15% Discount Now Use Get 15 SYMPTOMS OF ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER easily distracted, forgetting things, and often moving on from one task to another Difficulty maintaining focus on one task Difficulty organizing, completing a task, or learning something new Do not stay in one place keep doing wrong even when you refuse Answering the question before it is completed or interfering continuously Get confused easily Difficulty processing information quickly and accurately compared to others These symptoms are usually seen in childr

Pain Management: Treatments for Pain Relief

Are you suffering from Pain? If yes, have a look here. Pain is an uncomfortable feeling that tells you that something is wrong with your body. In response to a stimulus, our nervous system activates, which gives us a feeling of pain. Pain can range from acute(moderate) to chronic(severe), and it may be described as the feeling of throbbing, aching, stabbing, burning, pinching, or soreness. We will further discuss the causes of pain in detail. First, let's know a bit more about pain. Pain can only affect a specific body part or it may hurt all over the body, like in the flu. People respond differently to pain, Some people have high tolerance power whereas some people have very little. So the feeling of pain may vary from person to person. Duration of pain depends upon the type of pain you are dealing with. In acute pain, the pain may start and stop within a few minutes, or it may occur only under a few circumstances. It may also be severe which may last for a while. In chronic pai

Understand the Facts | Anxiety and Depression

What is Anxiety? Anxiety is a kind of emotion in which a person feels anxious about starting a new job, going for an exam, or shifting to a new place. It is very natural to feel anxious about these things. Sometimes anxiety helps or motivates a person to work harder and build a better career for themselves. So this is an ordinary condition of anxiety that comes and goes and doesn’t interfere in your day-to-day life. If the feeling of fear, worry, or unfocused always be with you, you might be suffering from an anxiety disorder. Anxiety may stop you from doing what you like to do, and extreme cases may worsen if it is not treated. Anxiety Disorder is the most common type of emotional disorder that can affect anyone at any age. According to American Psychiatric Association, this disorder is more common in women rather than in men. Get 15% Discount Now Use Get 15 How many types of anxiety disorders are there? Panic disorder: This is the worst type of disorder bec