Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder


Stress, tension, depression, anxiety, frick have become common health conditions in this run-of-the-mill life. Along with work day and night, people are fighting many types of mental battles within themselves. Knowing some measures of anxiety, you can balance and relax your life. Excessive anxiety can soon turn into your mental habit. Therefore, keep your mind calm and always avoid worrying too much.

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What is Anxiety

Anxiety is a mental disorder that natural response to stress or we can say that anxiety is the fear or emotion in which you think about what will happen next. Some situations in the environment such as the first day of school, job interview, include fear of people before giving the speech. If your level of stress has increased a lot and it has been more than six months. Also, if your holiday life is affected due to stress, then understand that you have been a victim of anxiety disorder.

You may always have a feeling of fear when you have an anxiety disorder. With this kind of anxiety, you may feel hindered in enjoying everyday things. As the level of anxiety increases, people may find it difficult to get into elevators, cross the road and even go out of the house. Also, if the medical help is not taken at the right time, this situation can get worse. Anxiety disorder is the most common form of emotional disorder and it can affect people at any age. According to the American Psychiatric Association, it is found more in women than men. There are 5 types of anxiety disorders mainly. 

Generalized Anxiety Disorder. ...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) ...

Panic Disorder. ...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) ...

Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder)

Today we will do a detailed study about SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) and GAD(Generalized Anxiety Disorder) Generalized Anxiety Disorder and learn how these two disorders are dangerous for us, what are their symptoms, and treatment.

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

People suffering from this disorder (GAD) continue to worry about everyday life events without any reason. They always expect a bad event and never stop worrying about health, money, family, office, and school, etc. In such a situation, fear, anxiety, and fear prevail in daily life. Eventually, this anxiety dominates the person's thinking, due to which social activities, career, school, relationships, and daily life start to suffer.

Causes: The exact cause of generalized anxiety disorder, along with many mental health conditions, is also unclear but, along with genetic, it also includes other risk factors.

A person who is timid or negative in nature or who survives anything dangerous may be a victim of generalized anxiety disorder sooner than others.

Many more people in families may have a generalized anxiety disorder. You can also be affected by that.

Generalized disorder in women is higher than in men.

What is Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

Social anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental illnesses. In such a situation you will feel afraid to go to social places, talk and talk to Stranger people. In this disease, the patient wants to avoid all social interaction because it makes him very uncomfortable to talk or meet anyone.

Causes: No specific cause of social anxiety disorder has been identified yet. According to experts, this problem may be due to genetic. If a member of your household is already a victim of social anxiety disorder, your chances of getting this problem increase. Social anxiety disorder mostly starts at around 13 years of age. Shy children may become victims of social anxiety disorder when they grow up.

Difference  between  GAD and SAD

In many cases, the views of patients suffering from SAD and GAD may be similar. Individuals suffering from GAD keep thinking about some common and major issues of life - such as money, well-being, relationships, etc. They think even the smallest incidents very serially and are surprised.

Social concerns are not uncommon with GAD. However, their focus is on ongoing relationships rather than fear of evaluation. For example, a person with GAD may worry uncontrollably about the implications of a fight with his girlfriend. A mother with GAD may be more concerned about whether she has made the right decision to switch school to her child. Such people want to stay away from society and people. They try to avoid going to parties and meeting people.

People with social anxiety disorder, tend to generally stress over meeting new people, being noticed, and performing in front of others (for instance, speaking up in class or playing an instrument in a band). Their idea content ordinarily focuses on the negative evaluation and perhaps rejection. 

For instance, an individual with a social anxiety disorder may experience issues starting a conversation at a work party time for dread that they will seem on edge, say "something stupid," and be disparaged by their colleagues. An individual with a social anxiety disorder may abstain from dating out and out as a result of anxiety about feeling embarrassed or humiliated out on the town. 

A consistent thread here, again, is a neurotic level of stress that is impacting the individual's capacity to create or maintain connections, satisfy essential commitments, and meet their personal and professional potential.

Symptoms | Treatment

Numerous people feel apprehensive in certain social settings. Meeting new people, going out on the date, giving a presentation - almost everybody has experienced the anxiety that these circumstances can incite. 

Social anxiety disorder, or social fear, however, depicts a checked, intense, and industrious dread of social situations that can be separated from the more regular dread that comes with discomforting situations.

The anxiety related to SAD not only leaks into an individual's social life as well as interferes with their per day activities and professional life. While other psychological health disorders cause social anxiety manifestations (for example sweating, palpitations, or fits of anxiety), social anxiety disorder alludes just to individuals who explicitly stay away from or dread social situations.

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These symptoms of social anxiety disorder

Any patient with this disorder can experience this problem in various ways. But here are some of the main characteristics identified by the experts:

Troubled talking to strangers

Fear in public speaking

Be afraid to date someone

Do not talk to anyone by putting eyes in eyes

Hesitation in using public restrooms

Sniff out at parties

Avoid eating food in front of strangers

Afraid to go to school or office

Hesitate to chat

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) severely affects both your body and brain. There are many symptoms of this disorder and their severity may vary from person to person. Some people have only 1 or 2 symptoms, while others have many more.

The following is a list of psychological symptoms and physical symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

Psychological symptoms of GAD: Generalized anxiety disorder can cause changes in your way of thinking and feeling, resulting in symptoms such as:

Feeling of fear


Constantly feeling "on edge"


difficulty concentrating

Due to these symptoms, you start running away from social contact (family, friends), you start doing things that seem difficult and stressful. These continuous actions can decrease your self-esteem.

Physical symptoms of GAD: Following are the physical symptoms in GAD-



Irregular heartbeat

Muscle tension and pain


Dry mouth

excessive sweating

Shortness of breath

Stomach ache

to feel sick

Regular headache


In GAD and SAD, it is very important to take more precautions than taking

medicines. below is given some points which considerate to get rid

Of these disorders.

1. Use Psychotherapy: A good psychologist can prove to be a boon for you in this disease. In psychotherapy, you are taught to control your mind and your emotions. 

2. Try to spend time with your family and friends: It is very heartfelt to be alone in times of anxiety, but being more alone in this disease can be very harmful to your health. Try to spend the most time with your family members and good friends. Do not miss a single chance to laugh.

3. Choose a specific time for each Work: When no time is fixed for human work, special types of hormones are secreted in the body, due to which many types of diseases are born in the body. A fixed time of eating and sleeping will help you stay away from

this disease.

4. Must Include Meditation and exercise in your Daily Routine: This body is like a petrol vehicle, if we do not drive our physical parts

every day, then there will be rust, that is, we will be surrounded by

diseases. Workout and meditation provide you special energy and help

you stay Anxious.


Symptoms of GAD and SAD can exclude you from society and can significantly reduce the quality of life. It is very important for a person suffering from these disorders to seek treatment to get a diagnosis. Psychotherapy and medications can reduce uncomfortable symptoms and allow people to live their lives to the fullest.


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