What is an Anxiety disorder?

Usually, there are many problems in every human's life, some problems are big or some are small. Problems are small or big people come under tension due to problems. Some people take so much tension that they become mentally unwell. Increasing tension takes the form of a catastrophic disease like anxiety. Anxiety is a disease in which the patient does not have control over his heart and brain, the patient suffers from problems like flatulence, increased heartbeat, and sleepiness. Anxiety report in the USA: A official report estimated that over 20% of adults have an Anxiety disorder. Most of them are women.


Symptoms of Anxiety:

No one knows when the rising tension takes the form of Anxiety disorder, People ignore this disease because most people do not understand it. Below are some such symptoms with the help of which you can identify Anxiety. If you have such types of symptoms you need a doctor.

Some major Anxiety Symptoms:

1. Native thoughts come a lot.

2. Can’t sleep properly and get confused every time.

3. The mouth Begins to try up and the person becomes unconscious.

4. There is a lot of pain in the head and no mind in any work.

5. May also cause Diarrhea.

6. Social phobia Anxiety

Types of Anxiety:

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, there are five major types of Anxiety-

1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

2. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

3. Panic Disorder

4. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

5. Social Phobia (or Social Anxiety Disorder)

Cause of Anxiety.

There are several reasons which can cause Anxiety, but the main reason is to make tension too much. Some Anxiety cause-

· No fixed time to sleep and wake up

· overthinking

· job and work stress

· Unfortunate accident

· Abuses like verbal, physical, and sexual

· Personal relationship or family problems.

Treatment of Anxiety:


In Anxiety, it is very important to take more precautions than taking medicines. below are given some points which can prove helpful to get rid of Anxiety.

1. Use psychotherapy:

A good psychologist can prove to be a boon for you in this disease. In

psychotherapy, you are taught to control your mind and your emotions.

1. Try to spend time with your family and friends.

It is very heartfelt to be alone in times of anxiety, but being more alone

in this disease can be very harmful to your health. Try to spend the most

time with your family members and good friends. Do not miss a single

chance to laugh.

1. Choose a specific time for each Work.

When no time is fixed for human work, special types of hormones are

secreted in the body, due to which many types of diseases are born in the

body. A fixed time of eating and sleeping will help you stay away from

this disease.

1. Must Include Meditation and exercise in your Daily Routine:

This body is like a petrol vehicle, if we do not drive our physical parts

every day, then there will be rust, that is, we will be surrounded by

diseases. Workout and meditation provide you special energy and help

you stay Anxious.


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